Sports updates

High School Track and Field starts on Monday, March 11th.  Make sure you have registered your child and uploaded an up to date PIAA physical.  You can use this link to register.

Middle School Athletics will be starting on March 18th.  All registrations must be completed by March 14th. You can use this link to register.

MS Track and Field- You can attend optional practices starting on Monday, March 11th as long as you have already registered and attached an up to date physical.

MS Softball- There will be optional (but encouraged) practices on Wednesday (3/13) and Thursday (3/14), weather permitting.  Athletes must be registered in order to attend these practices.

PCS Athletics is looking for a left handed first base glove.  If anyone has an old left handed first base glove they are no longer using, we would be willing to purchase it from you.  Contact